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오픽 OPIc

OPIc 기본문제 - 자기소개

by 이모모 2024. 8. 17.

자기소개는 1번으로 100 % 출제!


- Tell me about yourself.
- Tell me something about yourself.
- Tell me a little bit about yourself.
- Let's start the interview now. Tell me about yourself.

나만의 답변

1. Introduction 
- Let me briefly introduce myself!
- I'm so glad to introduce myself to you,
2. Body
- 자유롭게 구성
ex) 이름과 나이/ 가족/ 회사/ 성격/ 취미활동
3. Conclusion
- That's everything about me.
- That's all.
- That's about it.

유용한 표현

1. 기본정보
1) 미혼입니다.
- I'm single.
- I'm not married yet.
2) 30대 초반입니다.
- I'm in my early thirtes.
2. 신분
1) 회사원이에요. / 회사에 재직 중입니다.
- I work at a company.
- I work for a company.
2) 생명과학 연구원으로 재직중입니다.
- I work as a life science researcher.
3) 대리로 재직중입니다.
- I work as an assistant manager.
4) A 회사에서 4년 동안 매니저로 근무해왔습니다.
- I have been working in A for 4 years as a manager.
5) 최근에 임금이 인상됐어요,
- I recently got a promotion.
 3. 거주지
아파트에 살아요 
- I live in an apartment.
제 고향은 서울입니다.
- My hometown is Seoul.

예시 답변

Hi, I'm so glad to introduce myself to you.
I absolutely love coffee.
I can't get enough of it. (질리지가 않는다.)
You know when I woke up, I drank some coffee.
Just before this test I drank some coffee.
And right after the test, I'm sure you can guess what I will do.
I am a coffee enthusiast.
I am totally addicted to coffee.
And you know, that is all you need to know about me.


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