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Biological science4

Residual PS80 Analysis Method 1.Column 정보: Waters Symmetry C18, 150 x 3.9 mm, 5 μm이동상 (Mobile phase) 조제:Potassium phosphate monobasic 2.76 g을 1000 mL beaker에 넣고 물 1000 mL을 넣어 녹인다.위의 기재된 버퍼와 Acetonitrile의 비율을 Buffer : Acetonitrile = 2 : 8의 비율로 2 L glass bottle에 혼합한 후 Phosphoric acid로 pH 2.8 ± 0.03으로 맞춘다.희석 버퍼 (Dilution buffer): 물을 사용한다.1 M Potassium hydroxide 조제:Potassium hydroxide 5.61 g을 100 mL volumetric flask에 넣고 물.. 2024. 8. 30.
[생물학실험] Midi prep protocol [ Midi prep ] standard protocol Step 1. Spread plate (comp cell + DNA + LB/ 1 hour) Step 2. Mini culture (pick the colony & put into LB(3ml)+AMP(3ul)/ shaking) Step 3. Midi culture (put 100-200ul mini culture in LB 100ml (500ml flask)/ shaking overnight) Step 4. Midi prep (using kit) Preparation 1. Autoclave 완료한 500ml flask 2. LB media 1) LB-media(in 시약냉장고) 4capsule/1L (autoclave 된 500ml 플라스크 사용.. 2022. 12. 28.
[생물학실험] Maxi prep protocol (one DNA) [ Maxi prep ] standard protocol Step 1. Spread plate (comp cell + DNA + LB/ 1 hour) Step 2. Mini culture (pick the colony & put into LB(3ml)+AMP(3ul)/ shaking) Step 3. Midi culture (put 100-200ul mini culture in LB 100ml (500ml flask)/ shaking overnight) Step 4. Midi prep (using kit) Preparation 1. Autoclave 완료한 500ml flask 2. LB media 1) LB-media(in 시약냉장고) 4capsule/1L (autoclave 된 500ml 플라스크 사용.. 2022. 12. 28.
[생물학실험] QIAGEN Midi, Maxi prep 전처리 과정 Step2, Step3에 관한 QIAGEN protocol Procedure Step2. Mini culture (Midi, Maxi 공통 전처리 과정) > Pick a single colony from a freshly streaked selective plate and inoculate a starter culture of 2–5 ml LB medium containing the appropriate selective antibiotic. Incubate for approx. 8 h at 37°C with vigorous shaking (approx. 300 rpm). Use a tube or flask with a volume of at least 4 times the volume of the cu.. 2022. 12. 28.