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실생활 영어/One Sentence

출퇴근길 영어 한 문장 [1 - 100]

by 이모모 2024. 9. 5.
1이거 마음에 들어요 I like this.
2이런 우연이 있네요 What a coincidence.
3어디서 오셨어요 Where are you from? 
4머리가 아파요 I’ve got a headache.
5정말요 Are you sure?
6잠시만 기다려 주세요 Wait a minute.
7정말 보고 싶어요 I really miss you.
8아직 잘 모르겠어요 I not sure yet.
9정말 재능 있으세요 You are really talented.
10조심하세요 Please be careful.
11저 했어요 I did it.
12당신이 결정하세요 It's up to you.
13저는 뭘 해야 되나요 What should I do?
14같이 가요 Let’s go together.
15좋은 시간 보내세요 Have a good time.
16두 달 전이었어요 It was 2 months ago.
17포기하지 마세요Don't give up.
18당신은 참 부주의하시네요You are so careless.
19같이 여행 온 일행이 있어요I have a friend traveling with me.
20아프다니 안쓰러워요 I'm sorry that you’re sick.
21에이미 이름으로 예약했어요 I made a reservation under Amy.
22다 맛있어요Everything tastes great.
23얘기하자면 길어요 It’s a long story.
24늦지 않았어요 It's not late.
25생각해 볼게요 I'll think about it.
26너무 비싸요 It's too expensive.
27휴식을 취하세요 Take a break.
28이게 다예요. 감사합니다 That's it. Thank you.
29누가 지갑을 훔쳐 갔어요 My wallet was stolen.
30훌륭해요 It’s awesome.
31배고프세요? Are you hungry?
32체크인 하려고요 I just need to check in.
33정말 목말라요 I am very thirsty.
34벌써 가는 거예요 Are you leaving already?
35내일 계획이 어떻게 되세요 What’s your plan for tomorrow? 
36그건 역겹네요 That's disgusting.
37알아내보아요 Let's find it out.
384인 가족이에요 We are a family of four.
39신경 안 써요 I don’t care.
40저 좀 태어 주실 수 있나요 Can you give me a ride?
41거기서 봐요 See you there.
42찾아가 봐요 Let's go visit them.
43즐거운 주말 보내세요 Have a nice weekend.
44관광 목적으로 왔어요 I’m here for sightseeing.
45어디 보자 Let me see.
46다음에요 Next time.
47여기로 올라오세요 Come up here.
48보여 드릴게요 I'll show you.
49오랜만이에요 It’s been a long time.
50여권을 잃어버렸어요 I lost my passport.
51방문하신 목적이 뭔가요 What is the purpose of your visit? 
52모르겠어요 I don't know.
53아주 좋은 날이야 It's a nice day.
54안녕히 가세요 Goodbye.
55유감이에요 I'm sorry to hear that.
56입어봐도 될까요? Can I try it on?
57어떻게 생각해? What do you think?
58한국인이세요?Are you Korean?
59새해 복 많이 받으세요 Happy New Year 
60포기하지 마세요Don't give up.
61잘 안 들려요I can't hear you.
62죄송해요. 너무 바빠요 Sorry. I am tied up.
63캐나다가 본 적 있어요?Have you ever been to Canada?
64제 방을 청소해 주세요 Please clean my room.
65네. 주세요 Yes. Please.
66얼마에요? How much is this? 
67어떻게 지내세요? How are you doing?
68여기에 써 주시겠어요?Could you write it down here? 
69없는 거보단 낫죠 It’s better than nothing.
70괜찮으세요? Are you okay?
715시에요 It's five o’clock.
72어느 쪽이 나아요?Which one do you like better? 
73지금 하고 있어요 I'm working on it.
74여기 가고 싶어요 I want to go here.
75입에 맞아요? Do you like it?
76가는 길이에요 I'm on my way.
77웃음을 참을 수가 없네요 I can't stop laughing.
78지금은 남자친구가 없어요 I don't have a boyfriend now.
79늦어서 죄송해요 I'm sorry. I'm late.
80말로 하기 어려워요 It's hard to say.
81여기 얼마나 사셨어요? How long have you lived here?
82마실 거 필요하세요? Would you like something to drink? 
83그들은 저기 있어요 They are over there.
84저녁 시간이에요 It's time for dinner.
85여기서 드세요? For here? 
86어디까지 얘기했죠? Where were we? 
87무슨 말씀이시죠? What do you mean? 
88오늘은 1월 2일이네요Today is January 2nd.
89당신 잘못이 아니에요 It's not your fault.
90말할 수 없어요 I cannot say.
91여기 앉으면 싫으실까요?Do you mind if I sit here? 
92화이트씨 바꿔 주시겠어요 Hello. May I speak to Mr. White?
93차가 있어요 There is tea.
94같이 가시겠어요? Would you like to come with me? 
95맞춰볼게요Let me guess.
96서비스에요 It's on the house.
97붉은 와인 한 잔 주세요 I'd like a glass of red wine.
98그것들은 너무 커요 They are too large.
99아니요. 제건 파란색이에요 No. Mine is blue.
100제가 쏠게요 It’s on me.