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실생활 영어/One Sentence

출퇴근길 영어 한 문장 [201 - 300]

by 이모모 2024. 9. 5.
201더 이상 참을 수 없어요 I can't stand it. 
202저는 맥주를 좋아해요I like beer.
203그들은 이혼했어요 They had been divorced. 
204물어볼게 있어요I have a question for you. 
205그녀는 복싱을 싫어해요 She hates boxing. 
206오늘 몇 도에요?What’s the temperature today?
207천만해요 My pleasure.
208최선을 다하고 있어요 I'm trying my best.
209딱 몇 달 정도만 Just a few months.
210내일 비가 올지도 몰라요It might rain tomorrow.
211잠을 못 잤어요 I couldn't sleep.
212잘됐네요 Good for you. 
213늦을 거 같아요 We are going to be late.
214가장 좋아하는 영화가 뭔가요? What is your favorite movie?
215주저하지 마세요 Do not hesitate. 
216충혈됐어요.You have red eyes.
217점심은 끝났어요Lunch is over.
218잠깐 얘기 좀 할까요? Do have a second?
219도와주셔서 감사합니다 Thank you for your cooperation.
220더 필요하세요?Do you want some more?
221당신 정말 웃겨요 You are so funny.
222행운을 빌어요 Good luck!
223즐거운 오후 보내세요 Good afternoon.
224필요한 건 그게 다예요 That's all I need.
225배가 고파요 I feel hungry. 
226그건 시간 낭비예요 That’s a waste of time. 
227즐거워 보이네요That sounds fun.
228여행 좋아하세요? Do you like traveling?
229혼자 할 수 있어요I can do it by myself. 
230농담이죠?You are kidding.
231맥스랑 우연히 만났어요 I ran into max today.
232저랑은 상관없어요 It’s not my business.
233전 그의 팬이에요 I’m his fan. 
234누구세요?Who are you?
235부러워요 I wish I were you. 
236당연하지No wonder.
237그건 슬프네요 That makes me sad. 
238계단이 어디 있나요?Where are the stairs? 
239슬슬 집에 가야겠어요I need to go home.
240네 맞아요 Yes. I do. 
241계속 힘내Keep it up. 
242나이가 어떻게 되세요? How old are you? 
243아무래도 아니에요 I’d rather not.
244그랬으면 좋겠어요 I hope so. 
245전 괜찮아요 감사합니다 I'm fine. Thanks. 
246이걸로 할게요 I will take this. 
247아슬아슬 했어요It was really close. 
248짐은 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?Where can I get my luggage? 
249농구 좋아해요 I like basketball. 
250여기 열쇠가 있습니다 Here are the keys. 
251괜찮으세요? Are you alright? 
252카메라 보고 웃으세요 Smile for the camera. 
253뭐가 마음에 드세요?What do you prefer?
254크게 말씀해 주세요Please speak louder.
255너무 좋아 보여요It looks very nice.
256기분 탓이에요 It's just an imagination.
257정말 싸네요 It's really a bargain.
258오늘 와주셔서 감사해요 Thanks for coming today.
259이것들 입어 볼게요 I will try these.
260차이가 뭔가요?What's the difference?
261너무 흥분하지 마세요 Don't get so excited.
262행복해 보여요You look happy.
263어디 가세요? Where are you going?
264그는 사진 작가에요He’s a photographer.
265누구에요?Who is that?
266그게 가능한가요? Is it possible?
267오늘 저녁 안 바쁘세요?Are you free this evening? 
268결혼하셨어요? Are you married? 
269언제 말씀이시죠? When was that?
270다른 베개 주실 수 있나요? Can you give me another pillow?
271재촉하지 마세요 Please don't rush me.
272맡겨주세요 Leave it to me.
273다시 온 걸 환영합니다 Welcome again.
274좋은 생각이 있어요I have an idea. 
275저희 더 필요해요 We need more. 
276잔돈은 필요 없어요 Keep the change. 
277너무 재밌네요 You’re killing me.
278여기 커피요Here is coffee.
279비누 어딨어요?Where is the soap? 
280정말 더워요It is very hot.
281그랬어요I used to.
282앉으세요 Take a seat. 
283여기 와서 앉으세요 Come and sit over here. 
284오늘은 목요일이에요 This is Thursday.
285무슨 일인지 말해 주세요 Tell me what happened.
286마감 기한이 언제죠?What’s the deadline?
287걱정마세요Don't worry. 
288오늘 며칠이죠? What’s the date today? 
289몸만 오세요Just bring yourself.
290그만 웃으세요 Stop laughing. 
291이거 제꺼죠?This is mine. Right?
292당신을 존경합니다I respect you.
293뭐 가져가야 돼요?What should I bring?
294다 가져가세요You take them all. 
295비행기가 연착되었어요. The flight is delayed.
296하나 더 원해요 I'd like one more.
297사과드릴게요 I apologize. 
298만나서 반가워요I’m glad to see you.
299버스 정류장이 어디예요?Where is the bus station?
300일어날 시간이에요It's time to wake up. 